How can I find birth announcements in the newspaper?


You can search for a birth announcement in newspapers from the time period. It can be difficult to find birth notices from the early 19th century. They were often scattered throughout the paper (not in a specific section) and they could be published several days after the event. It is our staff policy that we do not research newspaper articles. The time needed to scan through issues of a paper is beyond the time limit we are able to spend answering a question. We can, however, interlibrary loan rolls of newspaper microfilm.      .

You can search for newspapers for Interlibrary Loan in our library catalog. We can interlibrary loan newspapers that have microfilm roll numbers.  Any newspapers that are labeled with an "N" number and volume designation have not been microfilmed. Original, unfilmed newspapers are not available for Interlibrary Loan. They must be viewed in our library.  If you are unable to visit, you can hire a private researcher to search the newspapers for you.

Please visit our research guide for more information on conducting research at the Ohio History Connection.

  • Last Updated Apr 21, 2022
  • Views 1029
  • Answered By Reference Team

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