How can I research my home?


Researching the property will likely require contacting offices in the county to request records. The County Recorder's Office holds deed records for the property, while the County Auditor's Office holds tax records. 

The Columbus Metropolitan Library has a wonderful tutorial for Researching House History in Columbus. Although the tutorial is specific to the Columbus area, the steps should translate to the history of any property.

County atlases, city directories and area newspapers can be helpful in doing property history. Search our Library Catalog to discover the resources available at the Archives & Library. Use OPLIN's Find-a-Library to find a public library near you.

National Trust for Historic Preservation: 10 Ways to Research Your Home's History.

Check out our Photograph Research guide for some strategies for searching for photographs of places.

For technical information and guidance for preservationists, architects, contractors, homeowners, and other old-building lovers and information on the National Register of Historic Places contact the State Historic Preservation Office.


  • Last Updated Nov 23, 2022
  • Views 266
  • Answered By Reference Team

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