Where is my ancestor buried?


Ohio death certificates include information about the disposition of the body (burial, interment, cremation) after death. You can order Ohio death certificates from December 20, 1908 through 1970 online through our Ohio Death Records Index.

Death certificates from 1971 to the present are held by the Ohio Department of Health. You can also request death certificates from the local public health department where the death occurred.

You may wish to contact the local genealogical society of the county where the person lived. The local chapters do good work documenting area cemeteries. Many have published books about area cemeteries which you will find in the county histories section of our library.

If you know that the person attended a particular church or denomination of faith, you may contact them for records of funeral or burial.

The Ohio Genealogical Society is a leading advocate for cemetery preservation in our state. Their reference book, Ohio Cemeteries 1803-2003, is a locator guide to all known Ohio cemeteries and it contains the names and locations of cemeteries in Ohio counties, arranged by townships. They have a Cemetery Search on their website.


  • Last Updated Feb 02, 2022
  • Views 118
  • Answered By Reference Team

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