Interested in a more self-directed visit, using just our Reading Room or Microfilm collections?


We welcome walk-in researchers who want to:

Use our Reading Room materials, which include thousands of ready-reference, county and city histories, genealogical, and other valuable resources.

Search our digital collections and subscriptions from one of our computer terminals.

Engage with our microfilm collections.

  • Please note, priority for microfilm readers is given to those who have scheduled appointments.

Request limited same-day materials from our closed stacks.

  • A few notes on same-day requests from the stacks:
  • Paging takes some time and we thank you for your consideration of our staff.
  • Some requests may not be filled day-off and may require an appointment – our staff will work with you to explain any such situations and help you schedule your appointment should we not be able to navigate your request day-of.
  • Factors that impact whether we can page a request day-of or will suggest a follow-up appointment include: staffing, the size or type of materials requested, the number of materials requested, the location of the materials, the condition of the materials, and more.
  • We cease paging items 45 minutes before our closing time. No new requests will be accommodated during that time.

Check-in at the library reference desk when you arrive so we can get you set up at an open research station. Open research stations, computer terminals, and other equipment are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis with priority given to appointments and so cannot be guaranteed. All rules and guidelines regarding interacting with our collections and the Research Room must be observed.

Interested in a personalized research experience?


  • Last Updated Sep 06, 2023
  • Views 1306
  • Answered By Reference Team

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